Sunday, June 06, 2010

The Garden is planted

Mom's Garden - this little garden are plants that my mom brought from her garden. Still can't believe that it survived the plane ride and then the snow to boot!!! They seem like hardy plants - hope they continue to thrive.

The garden in front of my bedroom window - the stepping stones were a birthday gift from Amer!!!

View of the front gardens. My mom and I decided to plant similar plants like the flower garden in the backyard. We planted Marigolds with the tree to add some colour. One of my mom's friends has a background in forestry so he came handy with his saw and chopped off the dead part of my tree - hence why it looks like the middle is missing - it is as it was diseased. It seems it will fill in nicely though.

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Happy Birthday Solomon!!!

Yesterday we all gathered in 3 Hills to celebrate Solomon's 4th Birthday. The huge Scoobie Lollipop came from his big sister Journey. As you can tell by Solomon's face - he was very happy to receive this gift from his sister. If you are wondering about the face-painting. 3 Hills hosted a car rally - where the old cars and motorcyles lined the main street. It was quite the day for Solomon - he got to see all those cars and then have cake, ice cream and had fun opening his gifts too. (Today I helped Solomon and Journey put together a couple of their toys - it was a wonderful visit)

Group photo - The Hald family (Mike and Meagan with their 2 children), the gal in the black shirt is Garron's niece from Bolivia; Garron, Journey, Solomon and Amy.

Amy, Cassendra (her face is being covered by the card that Journey made for her brother Solomon), Sierra with her Grandma Char; Ethan, Jon J and Sara.

Get ready for bubbles!!! Solomon with his new bubble maker - Journey, Amy and cousin Cassendra looks on. They used it later in the day - all the kids enjoyed running after the bubbles.
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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Finding words of comfort

Last week, the stress level for me of a work-related issue hit the fan as they say. (sorry for the vagueness but that is how it will have to stay). It totally blindsided me and shook me to the core and it has been heavy on my mind and heart.

As you know since the beginning of this year, I have been going to counselling - it has been helpful sorting things out and beginning to find out abit of about me too. With the changing of my position at the hospital it has given me a rollercoaster ride for sure and I have been trying to use the tools my counsellor has been sharing with me, but the other one is what my friend Sara gave me - Celebrate for Recovery Steps. There are 2 sets of steps - one has 12 steps and the other one has 8 steps. I have the 8 steps in my wallet - the #1 step - Know you are not in control, only God is in control. One needs to trust in that when faced with a challenge in your life, of course easier said than done.

This past week in the morning as I wait for my bus shuttle to the hospital - I read those 8 steps and pray that I will find that "peace" once again. It has not always been natural for me - but I think I am seeing He is with me through my environment. Mother Nature might not have been nice for my visit with my mom - but being she has been in the health field for 45 yrs she was a source of comfort plus she is my mom. I also had friends keeping me in their prayers (thank you). But it is surprising where you can find a word of comfort.

After an important meeting on Monday, I was exhausted and drained - I stopped in for the first time at the Rockyview Site a little gift shop to buy a soft drink. While waiting in line I see a stand full of cards - one card just connected with me - so much so I bought it. Reading the words it felt like someone talking to me:

If I Could, I'd Make Everything Better for You.
If I had the words to bring comfort and peace to your heart, I would speak them.
If I had the knowledge to know what course would bring you happiness, I would share it.
If I had the ability to take away all that troubles you, I would do it.
If I had the means to show you all that is good within yourself, I would use it.
I don't have power to change the world or to control the path on which you wald.
But I have a hand willing to hold your own, an ear willing to listen, and a heart willing to care.
I'll Always be Here for You.

I have a counselling session tomorrow afternoon and Solomon's 4th birthday on the weekend. So thinking positive - moving forward - lessons learned for sure.

A Visit from my Mom

This past week, my mom has been visiting me (dropped her off at the airport bright and early this morning). As I had a work commitment I could not get out of - this left my mom alone at my house during the day. Depends on how you look at it - unfortunately Mother nature was not kind to us - it either rained or snowed for the first 3 days of her first. The main reason she came out was to help me with planting my garden - we were wondering if it was going to be possible? My roommate Melissa and I figure we have the cleanest house on the block - my mom bought me a wonderful vacuum cleaner (Dyson) as well as a carpet cleaner. The days of winter weather - my mom cleaned the upstairs and downstairs and the kitchen appliances too!! She also mended a few things for Melissa as well as our upstair curtains. Finally on Sunday - no moisture falling - headed over to Rona to buy the peat moss and perrineals/annuals. We had to do it in 2 rounds as I could only fit 2 peat moss packages in my trunk of the car!! Few hours later - we did it - 4 out of 5 flower gardens had peat moss and some sort of flora to them. Only the vegetable garden which my mom completed yesterday (she surprised me by mowing the small amount of grass in the front yard too!! What an awesome mom I have!!!

We did fit in some visiting time too - enjoyed watching the movies "The Blind Side" and "Invictus". She really enjoyed the latter movie. Never got around to playing Scrabble - next time I guess. We had a visit with old friends (their friendship with my mom goes back to the early 70s). Last night we enjoyed an awesome pasta dinner at the World Health Club - Edgemount Grill. Freshly made in front of you - stayed piping hot for the whole dinner!

Next visit is at the end of July when I head to Ontario to do a wee tour - parents/friends in TB; visit my brother Bruce and wife Kristen as well as my friend Heidi who live near Toronto. I have a friend who lives in Indonesia who is visiting her parents in TB so I am making sure I am in town when she is. So great to see Carolyn again.