Sunday, October 28, 2007

Had a much better day...

Well, the weekend is over. It might have started as a stressful/chaotic weekend, it ended quite relaxed. This morning, I slept through my alarm and before I knew it, it was after 9am. By the time I would be ready and drive to church I would late. I made the decision to go to the gym instead - I worked with the weights for 30 mins and on the treadmill for an hour. Came home long enough to grab a bite to eat and then went to the salon. Was there for 2 hours!!! I got a cut with highlights and the guy I go to the past couple of times is somewhat of a perfectionist I guess, so he takes his time. I must say, he gives good head massages when he washes your hair, great stress releaser wouldn't you agree? Just finished watching the remark - Yours, Mine and Ours with Dennis Quaid and Rene Russo - it gave me a few laughs just what I needed.

When I arrived home from the salon, I saw the evidence that the drywallers came as they patched up some areas where the carpet guys dinged the walls. The contractor's dad has been doing the plumbing for my project was at the house when I came home for lunch, so I was able to chat with him. I realize my knowledge is limited in this field of construction, but I have been happy with all the workmenship that has gone into completing the basement. It seems that they took pride in their work - a nice quality I think.

Tomorrow is a new day... I wonder what the day will hold!! Have a great day everybody.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

New/Old Sofa and Loveseat

Here is a photo of the sofa (below) and loveseat (above). I guess you can tell one of my favourite colours is green.

Crowded corners - there is the sofa on the left hiding my fireplace and part of the sectional showing in the forefront. For those eagle eyes - yes that is Sly Stallone on the tele - his movie Daylight was on and it was not done on purpose - honestly!
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Bedroom/Rec Room

Here are a couple of photos of the bedroom. I love that they painted inside the closet too - makes it so uniform to the room. The combination of the white trim and the "Saddle Soap" paint colour - it really pops out at you. That's the door to the room as you probably figured out.

This is a view from the back of the second room looking into the rec room. On the right are the closet doors for my storage area that is hiding under the stairs. The door on the left is to go on the utility room area.
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Final stages...

First, I must apologize those put spots are from my camera, I guess the lens has something on it when I took it. The top photo is the second room which is the extension of my rec room. The stuff in it is the remainder of the bathtub and the in the forefront is the top of the bathroom vanity.

The Bathroom - plus it is a closer look at the colour of the paint too.

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When emotions collide...

For those who know me well, they know that I wear my emotions on my sleeve. On certain occasions, those emotions get the better of me - such minor things present themselves and I feel overwhelmed. Well, today was one of those days. Yesterday afternoon, I was thinking ahead on your "To-do List" of what is to occur over the weekend. In my mind, I was going to my home at the end of Friday to a completed basement ready for decorating etc. At 9am on Saturday my couch and loveseat were going to be picked up and delivery shortly afterwards to my place. Later in the afternoon, I was meeting a coworker who lives down the alley from me along with a few more coworkers for tea. Sunday is church and getting my hair done in the afternoon. Sounds like a well planned weekend.

As you read in my last entry, that "well-planned weekend" did not go that way. When I booked with the moving company they told me I would be first pickup. Around 10am the movers called, seems I was actually the third pickup and wouldn't get to pickup the couches until 3:30pm!! Quite the difference from the original 9am. After much phone tag with the lady I purchased the couches from, Cory the mover and myself, I was able to become the 2nd pick (that lady was gracious enough to switch with me) and the furniture arrived around 2:00pm. Going back a couple of hours, the door bell rang, it was Mike the Painter as we was told there was some touchups he had to do in the basement. He looked and then called my contractor. It seems that the carpet guys made more than a few nicks on the walls and the best way to repair it is to put another coat of paint on. So Mike is coming back on Monday to do just that. The furniture finally arrives - we learn quickly (even with the door off the hinges in the basement) that the sofa is too long to fit through the door. Presently, it is in the livingroom along with my sectional - just kinda crowded in that at the moment. The loveseat fit fine (thankfully) so that is the basement and Mike said he will place a cover over it when he comes to paint Monday.

Now, feeling overwhelmed to be honest of what to do. Nothing really seem to go to plan today. Since I really do like the new/old sofa and loveseat, I have made the decision to sell the sectional. I knew a friend who might like to buy it but will get back to me later in the week with their answer. I must admit, knowing that I might have found a solution, the stress eased a bit. I did make it to my coworker's place and had a good visit with everyone.

I am sure everything is going to work out, always does. It is just when I am in that moment of chaos, that sense of stress and feeling overwhelm can occur. For me, when those emotions collide - my reaction is just simply have one of those "Let's have a good cry". (it is a great releaser for me) and then usually find some comfort food. Before I headed home tonight, I had to stop by Safeway to pick up things like milk, and after my day I really didn't want to cook. My usual pattern would probably find me pick out one of those large pizza (Delicio) and I would eat the WHOLE thing plus a dessert or something. Honestly, still had my pizza, but Delicio now the option of whole wheat crust and personal size (4 smaller slices) and I have had no dessert. As silly as this sounds, this is a small victory as it is a baby step of changing my ways.

Well thanks for listening to my rant. Hope everyone else had a better Saturday.

Best Laid Plans....

As many of you know, in August I began the process of renovating my basement. The whole process has been positive - love the colours I picked for the painting and flooring and with the white trim - it really pops out at you. I am now at the tail end of this process.

Yesterday, the inspector came to do their final check plus the electrical switches and potlights were added. So it was great to turn on the lights downstairs and see it at night. But what I saw, was the vanity top on the floor and doors still off the hinges. Yes it is minor stuff (knowing so much more important things are happening in the world today), but 2 weeks ago I found this couch and loveseat which is in great shape, hunter green in colour on the Used Calgary online site. Since I was told by my contractor that the basement will be completed by the end of October, I told the lady I was buying the furniture from that I will have it picked up today (Sat). So I was shocked to see those odds and ends in the basement as the furniture is to arrive today. Timing is everything and I guess mine is off. So somehow I will have to make room for the arrival of the furniture.

I really do hope it gets completed in a couple of days, as I have planned a Ladies Tea with my James gals and their daughters to celebrate all our accomplishments we have had this summer/ fall a week from tomorrow. Plus I thought that it would be a great way to baptise the basement too!! It will busy next week getting my house in order - I am looking forward to that as it has been in disarray since early August.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Some of my goals - short and long

It was in early July when I saw the classifed ad on the hospital's website of a person (turned out to be a nurse moving back east) who wanted to transfer her membership at a local gym in the NW area of Calgary. The last "Health" I had to begin to work on was my physical health, so I took that leap forward. For $34 per month I have full access to the gym's facilities which is split into Co-Ed and Females Only sections (I am in the latter). I knew that if I wanted to succeed in this new challenge I had to start on the right foot - and for me that was hiring a personal trainer. Yes it cost money - but if you put it into prospective as you are putting your money towards an investment - YOU!!! There really is no question what to do. I met my trainer Jude - a nurse background with a degree in kinesology as well. We hit it off right away - she is very encouraging and once we got comfortable with each other - she pushes pass that comfortable limit to make you sweat.

From our first meeting, I shared some of my goals both short and long term that I want to see with this new lifestyle change (transformation). Like I said in my last entry - here are some of those goals:

Short term:
  • Work with a personal trainer - COMPLETED!
  • Feel more comfortable in the gym/exercise enviroment - Definitely getting better
  • Learn & grow in exercise knowledge - Found a few muscles I didn't know I had (haha)
  • Improve diet - decrease pop intake (down to 3 per week instead of per day!) and increase water intake (now drink 3L per day, well at least M-F when I am working)
  • Have dietting and regular exercise be A PART of my life NOT BE MY LIFE!!! - Each day is getting better but slips do happen (old habits and all)
  • Feel comfortable in cinema seats - COMPLETED!! For the first time in 2 years, my hips did not feel cramped from the seats at the cinema theatre around the block from my house. That was a good feeling.
Within a year:
  • Lose 70-80 lbs (have lost 17bs as of Oct 22, 2007)
  • Go from Size 28 to Size 22
  • Summer 2008 - be able to hike Johnston Canyon feeling less breathless and taking fewer stops to catch my breath; hike the 6 Plains Glacier to the Lake Louise Tea House (13.5km); and try to take more advantages of Alberta's hiking trails.
  • Go to Kyzyl, Tuva, Russia (province of Siberia) to visit David and Erin and their children
  • Don't have to ask for a seat belt extension when I fly
Long Term:
Improve my health to enjoy a fuller life with fewer limitations that obesity provides
To reach that ultimate goal weight - lose between 170 to 180 lbs

Rewiring one's brain on such a huge change in a person's lifestyle is definitely not easy. I have seen this show "X-weighted" and the trainer Paul in the beginning of the episode comes to your house and goes through your pantry and closets and have you dump out the foods that are bad for you. Inspired - I did that purge a couple of weeks ago. I must admit it was a good feeling - it was like a release as the person to benefit is myself. The other huge thing I have in my favour this time around in the "Dietting Game" - I have a great support system here in Alberta as well as family and friends abroad. I think this will be a major key in my success in this step positive to improve my health.

Monday, October 22, 2007

To My "Healths"

As we begin the "new year" it is a tradition where you set resolutions. Of course, those resolutions are usually not met or forgotten by February. So I changed that thinking. In January, I set 3 goals that I wanted to work on in 2007. These goals are areas where accomplishments are continued onto another year. I choose my 3 healths - my mental health, financial health and my physical health. The first goal that I tackled was my mental health - I joined a support group through my church to work on personal issues - Kathryn's death, co-dependence, self esteem issues as well as my weight. Unfortunately, our regular meetings have been disbanded but that support system I gained from the ladies I met at the group has not. I see them on Sundays, some are at the quilting group I joined this year, the phone and of course, by emails. I also gained some special friendships too through that process. I was able to deal with some of the emotions connected with the above mentioned issues. I do feel stronger that I can deal with a problem promptly instead of letting it stew or not mention it. In the Spring, I began working on my Financial health - I knew that I wanted to renovate my basement so that I would have the two levels to live in instead of having a basement for storage basically. So working with my mortage specialist, I was able to take equity from my home. It was enough to pay off some bills that had gathered, but I also had enough to do the renovations this year - my deck and basement. It also helped having a roommate for the first 6 months of the year, so bills were getting paid in full on time, I was actually able to double up in my mortage payments (I will see that benefit years from now) and I have been able to save money for my future (RRSPs) and for the near future (my travel plans). I receive a quarterly report through my bank which also notifies me of my credit rating and I have seen that increased. From what I read online - having a good credit line benefits me esp when it comes to renewing my mortage which is 2009. (Another goal, right?). So I do feel confident that I am on the right path financially.

In August, I began working on my last health - my weight. I can't tell you a time where I was "thin". Have always been the "big girl" in the class and after school activities. Yes, genenics play some part in my build (both sides of my family have obese problems). But the other part to this issue is by my own hand. Doing physical exercise was not something that interest me or excite me by any stretch of the imagination. When I was 13, my parents decided to put me in a swim club called the Thunderbolts. I stayed swimming competatively for 7 years. I was not fast but being able to swim 8 lengths of butterfly (the toughest stroke) or 16/32/or 64 lengths of freestyle is an accomplishment knowing my size. It seems I was good in endurance. So I found on our hospital's classfieds that a nurse was selling her membership at a gym about 10 mins from the Foothills hospital. If I wanted to do it correctly, I knew I needed help - I hired a personal trainer - Jude. She has been great and encouraging. Knowing I weigh more than a "normal scale", I found online a scale that weighs up to 440lbs. The scale arriving in Sept and the truth of where my square one began on Sept 9, 2007. I stepped onto the talking scale - says "Hello" and then "I'm ready" when it is time to step on it and "Goodbye" when it shuts off. Then she said "367.0". I wasn't surprised as I had thought I was 360. Having that information, I now know what goals that I would like to reach. I will share those later. So that is where I am today.

Wishing you all the best to the goals you have set for yourself whatever they are. The best thing you can have is a support system - I could not have accomplish what I have thus far without my support system here in Calgary, Three Hills and Thunder Bay. So thanks gals!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

First coat of paint is on!!!

The painter was at the house until 9pm last night putting on the first coat of paint. With the bigger windows I took a risk and went for a darker shade of brown. I am glad with my decision - let me know what you think? He was saying that the painting will be completed tomorrow!!! All that is left is the flooring, bathroom fixtures and the lighting etc. Very excited seeing it all come together.
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Like my Tiara???

While waiting for Thanksgiving dinner - Journey and Ethan were playing with these tiaras among her other toys. Ethan goes to Grandpa Andy to show off his tiara. Grandpa Andy looking to make sure that it was on straight. Our crown Prince Ethan!
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Thanksgiving Football Game

The Teams are ready - Team 1 was Amy, Amanda, Andy and Ren. Team 2 was Garron, Bradley and Jon. Now depending on who you talk to at the dinner table each team won.

Amanda, Ren, Amy and Bradley

Hey Garron - why aren't you holding the ball for me to kick????

The Starring Quarterback - Andy - what great form has he checked out where his teammates are before throwing the ball.
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Having fun at the Park

One of the playground equipments at the Park was this helicopter - it amuzed Journey and Ocean for a while.

Journey enjoying her time on the swing. Looking at Journey's feet you wouldn't think it was October. Journey were did your shoes go? Seems she didn't wear socks with her boots and they gave her blisters. What a trooper!

Here is Ren (Amy's foreign student from Japan) playing with Solomon in the sandbox with the teeter-totters. Of course, Lamby was not to be left out of the fun. Solomon took care of it while Journey was on the swing.
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Ready for Painting!!!

(Above) Main Rec Room area (the wall on the right side of the photo is the enclosure from the stairs for my storage area)

(Below) An extension of the Rec Room or a future office/guest room

When I arrived home tonight around 5:30pm , one of the construction guys was still working on the basement. I believe he was working on the capping around the ledges and maybe the door frames. He left around 8pm!!! He told me that the basement was ready for painting. YEAH!!! Robert (the general contractor) had told me last week that the painting should be completed by this Friday. Then all that is left to do is putting in the flooring, bathroom stuff, the electrical/lighting stuff and those little finishiing touches. So in 2 weeks or so from now I will have a totally finished home. I am looking forward to that - do some rearranging of some furniture and then spread out my frame pictures, paintings and rug hooks and figure out where I can put them. The colour for the basement is a medium brown, with the bigger window (3 in the rec room area) I thought I would take the risk of a darker brown as you do receive plenty of sun.

I already have my first party slated in November to baptize the basement (figuratively not literally - haha) - I am having a Gals Tea Party in early November - Amanda, Ocean, Amy, Journey, Sara, Sierra, Char and myself have so much to celebrate with different changes that have occurred or goals achieved. I will be moving my dining room table downstairs were I can put the two leafs and then get a smaller table and chairs for the smaller kitchen nook upstairs. Now the fun begins finding furniture that will fit down that sharp staircase into the rec room.

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Primer is on!!!


Bedroom Closet

Hallway (photo taken from the bedroom)

Bathtub (my contractor said that the bathroom will be about 2 feet bigger than normal basement bathrooms as we were aligning the walls with the utility and bedroom). The sink, vanity and toilet haven't been installed yet.
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Ladies Craft Retreat

Last weekend (Sept 29-Oct 1), about 14 ladies from my church met at River's Edge Bible Camp (about an hour and change northeast of where I live). It was a weekend for the ladies at the church to do their crafts - we had quilters, a knitter, a painter, a crocheter and of course scrapbookers. Instead of foggy conditions while driving up, it snowed this time! We had frosty mornings, but the sun shone the whole weekend. The photos above were taken over the two days at different times of the day. The photos don't do it justice - all in one scene you have the trees, the valleys and field with the mountains bright white from the new fallen snow. It is quite breath taking esp with the fall colour as a contrast. We had some excitement on the Saturday night in my cabin as we were getting ready for bed - one of our ladies were getting off her bunk and used the metal locker for balance. The next thing we know, she goes flying forward with a thundering crash following her. Guess the locker was not sturdy - lucky she was not seriously injuried - a nice scratch on her leg as her memento. Luckily we also had a good sense of humor - we did have a good laugh afterwards. What an adrenline rush just before bed! I didn't do much scrapbooking actually that weekend - more organizing and prepping gifts for Christmas. My dad had this good size box filled with photo envelopes - I have a Power Sorter Box which I was able to use to organize by theme all those photos. It is a great little storage tool. Thanks Brenda and Linda for organizing the retreat - it was great to getaway for ladies fellowship and get some crafty things done too. Not to gather dust under our feet - our next retreat is already booked for January 2008!!! I know for sure Brenda, Linda and myself are paid in full (Brenda was the eager beaver - she was the first to pay in full!). This time we are in the lodge where we were last time - it is great to have your stuff in the same building as you sleep so if you can't sleep at 3am - you can get your creative juices going early.
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Happy Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving Monday (yesterday), I drove up to Three Hills to celebrate Thanksgiving with the James Clan. It was a beautiful sunny day as I drove up. John had told me about a quickier route to Three Hills from my place (Deerfoot North to the Didsbury turnoff). It has taken off at least 15 mins of my drive (depending what my speed is of course - heehee). I arrived early in the day to do some scrapbooking stuff with Amy in her business Hobby Haven. Was introduced to a die-cut machine - very addicting as I was doing punching out lettering. Plus I was able to do my laundry at her house too (the basement should be done by the end of the month).

We arrived at Amanda's with a wonderful smell of cooking turkey. Plus the house was decorated with Thanksgiving and Fall in mind. The kids (smaller and bigger ones) were across the street at the park playing football (a James tradition it seems). John, Sara and the kids arrived just in time from Edmonton where they were celebrating with John's family. Unfortunately Amanda's brother Jon had to work so he wasn't able to make the journey up to Three Hills. We missed you Jon.
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