I started off the week great by celebrating Bradley's 14th birthday. Monday I came home from work seeing the great job that my friends John P and Jon J had done in the inside of my garage - they insultated, vapour-barrier the walls and then put chip-rock (drywall). It looks so good - that finished look - I love it!! Work this week has been busy as I had to perform followup audits on the coders that I had trained over the summer; in addition just like every office you will find tension and frustration as we try to meet deadlines despite being behind the 8 ball again - well we are not immune that. So we vented a bit among ourselves.
John and Jon had just a small amount left to do to complete the garage Tuesday night, so John said I could put my car in the garage for the night. I did, but for whatever reason after parking the car in the garage I did not think I left enough room behind me for the big garage door to close. All I wanted to do was move the car a bit forward, well I did a tad more than that. It seem to all happen in slow motion and it just seem so surreal that it was unbelievable. My reaction to the brake was not fast enough - I crunched in the wall of the garage - though the car was not going fast, it was enough force to push one side of the door frame and part of the wall off the cement foundation. I was in a state of shock - choose a few colourful words and repeatly said I can't believe I did this!! Did that nervous laugh and surprisingly never shed a tear. John and Jon did a great job trying to calm me down - gave me hugs and comforting words that it will all work out. Jon made a great suggestion of us playing Scrabble - that did calm me down - a new focus. Wouldn't you know it, Jon got all the great tiles and placed them perfectly on the high scoring squares - he beat me hands down (over 50 points). I mentioned how I will now be nervous scared of doing something silly like this again - well next thing you know it at 10:30pm you found me driving the three of us for a chocolate fix - John and I had a Rollo McFlurry while Jon combined Rollo and Oreo cookies (it was good - thanks for the suggestion John). I drove back into the garage without incident.
Needlesstosay, didn't sleep all that much worrying if John and Jon will be able to fix my damage (they had just put the drywall on that wall not 30 mins before I crushed), plus still could see the image of me crushing my car into the wall and the damage becoming a worst nightmare!! Oh just so you know - there was no damage to my car nor did my airbag deploy was definitely happy about that. Well, Wednesday afternoon I came home not knowing what to expect - I arrived with John was putting the last screw into the wooden frame. The guys fixed the damage I caused!!! Unless you know what you were looking for - you can't hardly tell what I did the night before. It was a relief and total excitement for me.
This morning, I had thought that I was to begin training a new hire, so I hurriedly pulled enough charts to get us going and at least be half prepared for her. Well, 40 mins past the time the new coder was to start, I emailed my supervisor - well an email stating training has been postponed is in cyberspace as I never received it. Then at lunch, I went to our parking office to verify where I was on the waiting list to park onsite, I find out I am not even on the waiting list!!! Seems you had to request to be on this list - how nice as for the past 3 years I had thought I am paying off site parking, I would be putting on this list automatically. Now here is the kicker - as of today I am on THE list - I have to wait another 2-3 years before space would be available on site at the Foothills.
All I could say when I got back to my department - this is not my week!!! But hey it can only get better right? Sunday we are celebrating Ethan's 5th birthday and I enjoy being with family and friends celebrating birthdays!!!