Jan, Gary and Mom
Jackie and Mom
Mom and Bev
Today is Mother's Day. My mom is Thunder Bay and I in Calgary, but we don't let the distance prevent us from celebrating this day. The photos above are a few of my mom's closest friends. Jackie had worked with my mom in the ER dept at the old McKellar Hospital; Jan had lived down the street from us and had told my mom about the position at McKellar Hospital's ER dept where she worked too. Bev is friends with both Jan and Mom. Like myself with the James gals, they are not only friends of my mom, but like sisters as well.
You might be wondering why I included these photos - it is through Jan, Jackie and Bev that my mom has shown by example the important of a relationship between females.
My Mom and Jan - a friendship that began with a common theme (nursing), being there for one another through the rough and bumpy times as well as celebrating the joys in life. Knowing you can just call and a voice is there at the other end, giving you the reassurance you are not going to have to face this alone. For me, the friendship between Jan and my mom has been the best example of what a relationship takes and rewards that comes from it.
My Mom and Jackie - despite the distance between them now (Jackie lives in Southern Ontario), when they get together it is as if they see each other just the other day. My mom has shown that if someone is important to you, remember to send a card or picking up the phone to just say "hi and how are things going?" is essential. How cool is that to know that someone who cares about you far away, holds you close to them.
My Mom and Bev - the friendship with Bev came through gatherings at Jan and Gary's. Birthday celebrations, summer BBQs, symphony Pops Classics, Magnus Theatre and playing Bridge every other Tuesday night from Sept to June. Their relationship has shown me saying little things like "Your special to me", "I am cooking a roast, why don't you come over for supper?", sending a note to someone.
Thank you mom for showing me wonderful examples through your friendships with Jan, Jackie and Bev, on how the special people that come into your lives can make such an impact on you.