Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Hollyhock and the Bubblebee

Last night, we had a wonderful gals games night at Sara's place (Thanks again Grandma Char for looking after Sara's crew - hope the Iced Coffees were able to keep you cool during our current heatwave). We had some great laughs as well as sharing times too. For me - it was perfect - I really love those moments together with James gals who are really my sisters in so many ways. I sure do love them. We played a new card game - Take the train (I was the big winner for that game) and then we played the board game "Life" (Sara was the big winner in that game) Sara ended up with something like 1.8 million and I ended up in second with a cool 1 million - too bad it was paper money - what wonderful damage could do with an actually 1 million - unlimited ideas - as you know me it would entail a travel to some sort of destination abroad.

With play there is work - both Amanda and I worked today. I got to work a bit late (enjoyed a sleep in - a precious moment for me). As I was leaving Sara's this morning at 8am - the sun was shining and was already quite warm temp-wise (summer finally arrived) - Sara's Hollyhocks under the kitchen window was in full bloom. It seems I wasn't the only early riser - there was a busy bee hard at work getting the nectar from the hollyhock's bud. I couldn't resist taking out my camera to get a few photos of them. Amanda was saying she as hollyhocks but in pink - I will definitely have to keep those in mind for my future flower beds for my place. They seem to enjoy the sun - I have a perfect place for them so they can get plenty of sun.

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